29 March 2025

Historic May Day today amid COVID-19

File Photo - Photo Desk

The historic May Day is being observed in the country as elsewhere across the globe today [Friday] with due respect.
May Day, also known as the International Workers' Solidarity Day, commemorates the historic uprising of working people in Chicago, USA at the height of a prolonged fight for an eight-hour workday.
The day is a public holiday.
Newspapers published supplements while radio and television channels are airing special programmes highlighting the significance of the day.
On May 1, 1886, 10 workers were killed when police opened fire on a demonstration in the US city of Chicago near Hay Market demanding an eight-hour working day instead of a 12-hour shift. On the height of agitation, the authorities had to accept the workers' demand and the eight-hour day has been introduced universally.
On July 14, 1889, an international workers' rally in Paris declared May 1 as the International Workers’ Solidarity Day in recognition of the Chicago workers' sacrifice and achievement and since 1890, the day has been observed globally as the International Workers’ Solidarity Day.
President M Abdul Hamid and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina issued separate messages on the occasion of the historic May Day.
However, all May Day programmes have been cancelled  due to the outbreak of global coronavirus pandemic. 


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